Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Books... not so much like Bus's.

I finally received ALL of my books for my references and research, they are:
"Philosophy and memory traces" by "Sutton"
Status: \\\UNREAD///

*This book had to be purchased and sent to me by the library, I have had to wait a good 2-3 months for the books to all finally arrive, the problem is that I have until 27th of June to read them, but I'll request more borrowing time but I have to be very precise since they are very anal about loaning new books*

"Remembrance of things past, within a budding grove" by "Marcel Proust"
Status:\\\47% Completed///

"The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud Volume 17" (1917-1919)
"An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works"

"The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud Volume 19" (1917-1919)
"The Ego and the Id and Other Works"

And there is another book, but I forgot to put it in my bag, I'm at the library, because I have no internet at home.

Anyway, today is a nice day, and so that I get some of the most natural vitamin D as well as work I will read these in the sun today, I have my notebook, pens and the books I just mentioned, I may be able to finally finish Marcel Proust’s insane book, which is for me, a very difficult read.

Anyway I'll update later hopefully, and talk about some other reference material.

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