Wednesday, 24 June 2009

A kingdom of knowledge.

I had a little look through the digitized work earlier, and the images I got from all my photo albums looked amazing in the Cooliris software, it was like you were flying through time browsing through the various memories that I had endured.

On a voyeuristic view I realised the complexity of the issue of viewing a second hand life, watching the human form evolving into what will eventually be what you see today. I guess this has another impact if you know the person, to see where they came from, what they liked and disliked, and creating the links of what defined them as a person, it's all very interesting indeed.

I want to look at other forms of this sort of voyeurism, maybe look at the TV series "Big Brother" where contestants have to just live in a confined space; in my opinion the results will always have similar effects since the environment they are placed in is somewhat a "controlled" environment.

Perhaps a better and more personal way of creating this sense of voyeurism is too take the cameras to a place where the subjects would normally be comfortable, where the only rules that apply are the ones that they would normally follow, but now I think about it was kind of done.

A program called "The family" was a documentary about a family where they had, with permission, allowed channel 4 I think, to install cameras into every room and place of their house and filmed their everyday life.

This family that was chosen was supposed to represent the average family, I have no idea how one would formulate a definitive average for such a broad spectrum of character archetypes.

This series, some of which I did watch, was interesting, but again not enough, to fully document and understand the human pattern, one would assume that to achieve this you might need to follow every aspect, no matter how mundane or personal.

This then, in turn, brings up the topic of censorship, and what is controlled media.

For example in my project, no matter how personal the data I will digitize this and add this to my memories, because in my opinion, censorship is just another type of controlled medium, and something controlled is something modified, and then eventually the product you receive at the end is not the true product.

If I offered you a glass of whiskey, and somehow removed the alcohol content, then gave it to you, it would smell, taste and probably look different, and as a result of that slight amount of censorship the outcome is not a true result, but one censored by the modifier.

The family, for me is a lot like this, it is apparent in some episodes that the family are aware of the cameras, and as a result their behaviour, naturally, changes.

The same can be said about "Big Brother" except with that show there is a prize, a reward that drives the contestants to altering their behaviour to what they might think to be acceptable by the public. With constant reminders of reward, is it not obvious that they will themselves evolve and alter themselves to achieve these goals; it’s no different to university or my own situation.

Some research, seems somewhat boring, and as a result we tend to bypass some information because we deem it unworthy of our time, but with university you will often endure things you might find boring, or unsettling, but with the reward of our qualification, we make the effort because most of us are aware that a qualification will help with a better job, or help command more respect from our society.

Either way, this topic as you might have guessed is vital to the development and understanding of my own project, as it follows the same fundamentals of these shows.

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