Wednesday, 26 August 2009


When writing evaluations, I often get a few problems, sometimes technical, sometimes not. These problems are often superficial and have little impact on the project itself. Then there are the problems you encounter that are project based, problems with the concept or problems with the way the idea is to be executed.

Well I experienced a heavy mixture of both, now maybe this was due to the pressure of a 'Final piece' or it was due to the subliminal complexity that I had never predicted. Well, for me, the final project should be an embodiment of what you wanted to achieve in the MA, and this too changed during the two years on the course.

Originally I wanted to get my digital painting up to the standard of the industry and hopefully gain my own style and further my dream of painting what I want how I see it. But for some reason that just started to come naturally with dribs and drabs of work I had been doing at home for personal use, I also developed a game, using an engine to create it, that’s now getting good reviews and features aspects I always wanted to see in a game, anyway, I'm sidetracked.

This project, Memory, was to be the first 'personal' project I undertook, I have never created work cantered around myself, mainly because I have a very selfless nature. Now with this project, which as I've said many times before, is a body extension project, the project itself would appear rather simple, gather images video and audio that for me, have memory connections, and add them to a program called Cooliris; this program is them embedded into a web page.

Now as the project progressed and meetings took place, I never discussed my project with other classmates, in reviews I would generalize the project, but never give much away, this was mainly due to a firm policy of mine, and that’s to not reveal my project's key elements this is because I feel it (the projects core) might get changed or morphed by other people’s ideas, this was my personal project and as a result I wanted to make sure if it was to evolve that it was because of me or situations that I brought about to the project.

First off was the projects layout, I was originally going to have text explaining the images, why they are important to me, and also text explaining the reason behind the project, and up until half way, this was the plan, but I decided that this was too direct, the user did not have to know the ins and outs of the project, after all this project is designed for me really and will just evolve into something else in a gallery environment.

Then after removing the texts I was faced with another problem, was it too vague? Could the user tell what the project was about with no information? Well I could only assess this once it was completed, so I pressed onwards.

Now originally I was going to create this using flash, but after a few weeks into the project, and after working on a prototype a friend sent me an email with something I had previously heard of, called 'Cooliris', this application can make the viewing of images easy and visually impressive.

After finally deciding that Cooliris was the application for me to use I next had to collect the images that would eventually become my work, so I had to go to my parents house and collect all the photo albums, then go through them and collect all the images that sparked memories, some memories were not of the picture but more so the place, smell or atmosphere that was associated with it, sometimes the memories sparked were that of me actually looking at the individual picture in the past. After collecting these images and photos of my parents house, I moved onto looking at other things I could photograph or store, I found my old high school photo, and then arranged a meeting with the headmaster to get access to walk around and take pictures of things I could remember, to be honest, the school had gone through a large metamorphosis, and the one thing that brought the most memories back was the smell, it’s weird, and has not existed to me in another location in my life, like the smells themselves embody the essence of learning. There were things I found difficult to take photos of, for example, if you have looked through the project, you will notice a large amount of doors in the high school section of the timeline, this was because in high school I was thrown out of a lot of class's, mainly because of my handwriting, it was called 'lazy' and I apparently put little effort into my work, this was untrue, I found it difficult to write, and found it even harder to keep up with the speeds in which we were expected to write at. So I'd get frustrated, and bored with the teachers always ignoring my requests for the writing to be slower, and as a result of their lack of understanding I lost my respect for most of the teachers, as a knock effect my behaviour would degenerate and I'd be thrown from class, which was fine, I was no longer writing in pain, and had my own company or a game boy for entertainment. It was later discovered at College that I was dyslexic, I never accepted help at college or university, because to be honest, I could cope, it was just nice for the tutors and lecturers to understand. With understanding comes knowledge and with that knowledge they can see I'm far from distracted and lazy, I am in fact the most focused person I know, and it was only at that point did my life, academically, improve, so as you can see, not all memories are pleasant but this cannot detract from their importance.

The next section of life is blank, there are a few things left from that era, like my EZ2DANCER trophy’s and a few items I have received through the years, in the next section was university, and images of work or events that were important to me, then onto this courses work and leading up to the present month.

After extensive research into the fundamentals on memory, I next turned my attention onto what memory is, why memory might exist and how we formulate memory. It's simple to assume that memory is nothing more than echo's of our past, but it’s much more than that. Memory is an entire fabrication of a past event, and as a result this fabrication becomes altered from its original form. This project was a bit like that, well firstly it was going to be a flash development, and then it became an application. It was supposed to have a textual theme, but then as the project evolved, it happened to evolve beyond the need of textual input. Of course after this were a lot of changes, and one of which was made right at the end, nearly during set up.

This change was the duel screen layout that was going to happen for the project, originally the design was to project the same feed onto both walls, and this was so that the user felt total emersion. But I had a change of plan near to last minute; I like the idea of total emersion and the whole ability to be trapped by thoughts and memories. But that was just it, it was not memories that trapped you in life that was thoughts, for me the one thing we always remember most is an event or place in time when you seemed happiest. I found such a memory, it was also the earliest video recording of me I could find, it was of a BBQ at a relative’s house, I am the child running around. Later other children arrive and it’s interesting to see what were at that time my own characteristics and proved a very interesting watch to see my social dynamics.

This video is now what takes the other projection, so on one side there is the Cooliris application, which is streaming the data for the viewer to browse, and the other wall is looping that BBQ video, this is because I felt it was a better idea based on the merits of what might be deemed the 'Good' memory of the collection I have got.

This project has been one technical difficulty after another, and I have at times, thought about why it is that I have to do things as I do, and why do they have to involve so much technology. Well it's not something I can really answer, with technology comes the problematic issues that follow suit. But this projects success is decided not on how a user might find this work, but more so on its practical merits towards me.

*EDIT* the piece is in the gallery now and it has changed as a result, previously it was a body extension project, personal and informative. Now everything in the space has a meaning, for example, a collection of audio tracks, no matter what genre, were added together and are played in the background, giving a weird sense of audio that’s fluttering between film music to rock and so on. From a first approach the viewer is greeted with the video of my BBQ looping, it might be hard to make out just what is going on, but then as they turn they see the screen with photos that seem to be of a baby or of a location, it is then apparent that the mouse is noted, and the user can navigate these images, it would not take long to realise that is in fact a recording of echoes from the past, this space, living in multiple years, embodying many other senses that it previously had never seen. The user will take away different experiences based on what they view and how that then relates to them, it is also give them a brief exploration of a person’s life, it might be possible for someone to study and work out why most of the images chosen for this project were in fact chosen but there are a great number of images where the user will just create their own view, a lot like memory itself.

Exhibition, Just why it was so complex.

The thing with Cooliris is that you can embed the application into a web page, but this, as I will explain later posed the most problematic of all.

Cooliris is an interesting app, it works of a script that’s server based, you, as in I, the user, only downloads the client side information (basically the information that’s needed to connect to their server and access the code to perform the actions necessary to work the application. And that, during set up, was one of the worst problems we (me and my tech guy, Kriss) had to solve. With the limited space and the feel / gallery atmosphere, we could not add much that would compromise the room’s attention, for example the floors are a light grey and the walls and pretty much everything else, was painted white. For us to use Cooliris we would (and we were completely unaware of this until set-up) need to access the Universities Proxy settings to allow the internet feed from Cooliris to send its scripts to our mini Mac display machine.

Well, there was no way we could access the proxy, because in essence the universities entire network would have been compromised and exploitable, so we had to think, how can we bypass this? firstly we set up an external server in the gallery, behind a wall which required a little skill to scale and set up, then after a few experiments we decided that this server, which was basically a tool for connecting the Mini Macs up to the internet to allow the feeds to be sent from Cooliris to the display machine, which in turn would project that output onto one wall. Once that was set up we (then realised the proxy problems) and had to create another server, and placed it at my friends house, 30 odd miles away, this server would hold all the visual information that Cooliris would require to function properly, it needed all the images, video etc all sorted and loaded into Cooliris code, this machine will run constantly, until the exhibition is complete. So, what we need now is a basic diagram for the set up of the project, and the reason I'm going into this is because this set-up alones complexity is almost that of the projects concept and I feel deserves equal elaboration. 

I'm on a laptop with no Photoshop, so knocked this up in paint, excuse its crudeness but it can show you its complexity, it all starts 30 miles away, at a friend’s house, the server is on 24/7 until the exercitation is over, it host's the webpage in which the Cooliris app is displayed in and also houses the files of the entire project, it’s the heart of the operation if you will.

Then from there the files are uploaded to the internet and sent to the Cooliris app, as well as the web pages location.

Cooliris then sends its information to the next server, 30 miles at the exhibitions actual location the data from Cooliris AND the ability to connect to the internet / by passed needing the proxy of the university, all collate on that machine.

Then the mini Mac, mounted on a shelf, is plugged by Ethernet cable to the secondary server and receives the media RSS feeds from Cooliris and the first server then displays that information and the Cooliris embedded application on the wall, while in the mean time the secondary Mac "Mac B" is projecting the Video (earliest footage I could find of myself) which is projected on the opposite wall making their two projections, one on each opposing wall of the two projectors in the diagram.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Getting every thing working...

The Cooliris program is not as straight forward as I had originally anticipated and has been a big issue during this project. Cooliris itself is a good application and very useful for browsing your facebook and other web hosted items, but the second you want to view your own items it becomes different, for a start, with Cooliris you can view your own items off your hard drive and set folders to view etc, however, the second you want to embed a wall you need to consider many other factors, which until recently I was unaware of.

Firstly, you cannot (And believe me I've tried) view your own data from an external hard drive or on your PC when embedding Cooliris into the web page. To have your own content you need to supply the embedded wall with RSS feeds, which call from a server. 

So I called a friend and we set about creating a server to host the files on, this also threw up another problem, will the gallery space have internet? And how can I deal with the problem if they cannot acquire an internet connection? The answer is simply no, I cannot make this piece work without constant internet connection, it needs to receive RSS feeds from the Server to work, and there is no other way around this. Anyway after a few e-mails I'm still unsure what’s going on with connection I just have to hope everything is ok.

Next problem this aired, the Home Hub at my house is broken, so I have been using an older model until I get a replacement from BT, the replacement will not allow me to port forward through port 80 (and this basically means I cannot host a server at my house) so the same friend agreed to host it at his and make a VNC connection between mine and his laptop so we can check, edit and control/fix any issues with the exhibition in real time.

Now, we have set up the server up at the friend’s house, currently going through a few bug checks with the network and hope that this all goes well, the next part is making sure Cooliris calls from the right directories and displays the media on screen.

This is the last push to make sure everything goes to plan, but with so much that can go wrong I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I just can’t believe that the home hub broke so close to the deadline, seems fate is really unhappy with me finally finishing my MA, but I'm afraid fate will just have to try harder.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

THE OTHER SIDE OF MEMORY - Art works by Ridha Ridha

This Video is interesting, she has used cubes as almost fluttering thoughts, connected through a sequence, and flowing in various directions as a memory does.
Pieces like "The Red Barrier" struck me as being prominent memories that were spurred by a war, later I discover that I'm right, she has endured Iraq during American occupation and the rise of the terrorists, most of her work was created while in exile.

This is an interesting way of documenting memory through feeling and visualization of something that is in fact vision-less.

I suppose I could have conceptualized the notion of memory and how it is stored, but I would have been losing out on some of the aspects I wanted to so badly preserve, firstly authenticity, with actual photographs and video I can determine that these events were not fabricated or censored. And in fact can rely on the information to be true, I also wanted this to be in essence another body extension project where I could use real footage, not manipulated so I could use the device as a secondary memory if I was to ever lose it, with the knowledge that others opinions of the events cannot alter the actual memory, as its data is separate from my own storage devices in my head.

It is vital that the piece, no matter how 'simplistic' it might appear to cover the basic needs of my memory recollection, ease of use, simplicity and access of photographic and video information has to be integrated with ease, also helpful if time lined as well as possible, this way searching for an event will be as easy as clicking mouse button and dragging until I discover the memory I want to re-cap on, also being able to just openly browse my memories will be much more effective than having to rely on factors to trigger memories, smells, places and people etc.

I think I can safely say that I deliberately avoided making this piece, a piece of art in the Contemporary sense of manipulating and breaking down the ideas of memory, you might argue that this piece is almost too practical to be considered a piece, but you'd be wrong, its art in the voyeuristic sense, its art in the way you can see the finished piece, myself and what I have become through the memories that sculpt us, that’s the true beauty to this piece, not its application but its own history within a history.

Memories, the personal analysis.

For me memories are something of a difficult subject, after losing a large chunk of memories at the age of 17-19 I can't quite remember (the irony) I have struggled to work out just who I am, and the whole university thing was to hopefully work that little question out.
I had apparently changed personality from before I had the memory loss, I had a problem with authority and always felt bullied, I remember that bit, its mainly because I remember taking things very personally back then, my teachers, work colleges and boss's were just to name a few of the prime examples.
Me and my father never had what would be called a great relationship (now we do, I think so anyway) for a few reasons, one, he himself had a lot going on at the time, and I was too naive and of course too stubborn to look at things through his perspective. 
This relationship must have had its turning point, because not from my memory but from the photo's I found of me as a young child (1-7 years old) 80% of the photos featured my father and I, mother was obviously the picture taker and not the participant, now, one could assume that she might have been a keen photographer, but this is untrue, she's never been on for photography and is a bit of a technophobe, dad was however the professional photographer, this makes me think that the pictures of me and him were in fact imposed by himself.
Even though me and mother have a very strong relationship (as do most boys as common psychoanalysis would show) it would appear that my father’s affection died sometime after 7 years of age, not many photos (that I could find) were taken of me after this age. Maybe something happened, I can’t remember but basically that’s the age the albums stop.
At a glance I remember a lot of negative things about the gap between the age of 7 to about 18, my memory is very bad around this time and maybe it’s because only the most prominent memories remain or maybe it’s the fact that my brain has just chosen to remember these memories I'm not sure. These bad memories probably are what subconsciously added to my bad relationship with my farther, and of course made things worse, and because I'm the kind of person to not mention things that bother me, I let it all boil up and obviously it will come to a head and large arguments will take place, the key things I have learnt from constant arguing is to learn understanding and patience, these, to me, are the two most definite reasons for any argument.
And I have become a very receptive person form it, I have my own weakness's and personality traits that I have been handed by genetics by my father, as he had been from his own.
We do learn from our parents and take the good elements and try to solve the bad, it’s our nature, but some things we cannot shift.
Memories for me have been distorted and abused by conversation with other people, who as I mentioned in an earlier post, manipulate memories with different view points. I'm sure that it’s my lack of a real past that has crafted me to be the person I am today, maybe for the better? Maybe not.
In the end it’s our past and our perception of the future that moulds us into the people we become, without an understanding we cannot accept our fates.

It's probably deemed quite profound, but I like to think of our pasts to be of little importance, when it's clear that they clearly are, I however mean on a spiritual level, I feel it might be considered a blessing in disguise to be freed from the shackles of our past, and to maybe create our own 'nicer' past to help us through our future.
For me memories are echoes of another life, the only way I can accept my future is to look forward to it with open arms and embrace what is thrown my way, past's may define us but it is wise to not let them control us.

Secrects of the mind, and just how memory effects us.

(Social Memory and History, Anthropological Perspectives, Edited by Jacob J. Climo and Maria G. Cattell.)

(Extract from page 1)
"Without memory, groups could not distinguish themselves one from another, whether family, friends, governments, institutions, ethnic groups, or any other collectively, nor would they know whether or how to negotiate, fight, or cooperate with each other. From the simplest everyday tasks to the most complicated, we all rely on memories to give meaning to our lives: to tell us who we are, what we need to do, how to do it, where we belong, and how to live with other people."

This statement is horribly true, it’s quite possible that the memory is the single most important aspect to humans, without it we as a species would never have evolved in the social way we have today, it would be, as described in the extract completely devastating to become unable to grasp past experiences, we primarily learn all our abilities through this method, with memory also comes understanding and the knowledge to approach a situation differently than before.
Memory defines who we are, but also shapes us as a nation and as a world.
Without memory I believe we can be described as almost soulless, and would lead empty existences.
Of course memory alone cannot be responsible for our advanced evolution, but more so the understanding that comes side by side with memory, without understanding we could not analyse what makes something what it is, and with further analysis you can determine the factors behind the initial facts, giving us depth of thought, not only can questions like what is that tree, become clear, but also questions like why is that tree there, what drives it? It's this advanced thinking that has progressed us from other species.

I did not finish this book, but not for no reason, it seemed to be constantly repeating what I already know now through the various researches I have done regarding the subject.
Talking about how memory affects politics, culture and economic cycles seems almost obvious, also how the memory affects social aspects and our own perception of memories works. It just seemed like I was covering old ground, with little point to follow.
History dictates memory but history cannot exist without memory, I have explored how memory is called and how its part fake, I've covered the meaning of memory, but I have not self analysed my own opinions of memory, and will do so in the next post.

A childhood recollection from DICHTUNG UND WAHRHEIT

This small essay is found in the book "The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVII (1917-1919) An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works", this is a small essay on the recollection of memories from childhood. It begins with the explanation of how what we call from as memories is normally a mixture of memories and what we have been told ourselves by a third party and an amalgamation of the two factors creates our memories. He then goes into his earliest memory, one of which is when he is throwing plates and breakables from the kitchen out of his door to the amusement of his neighbours. Afterwards the topic changes to what or why is it that our childhood memories are what they are, not normally important memories some even seen quite superficial. The most important memory you can muster is normally the earliest memory you have, this memory shapes your life and with further psychoanalysis it was evident in one patient that the writer had treated. An expert from the writing: "He was a man of twenty-seven, highly educated and gifted, whose life at that time was entirely filled with a conflict with his mother that affected all his interests, and from the effects of which his capacity for love and his ability to lead an independent existence had suffered greatly. This conflict went far back into his childhood; certainly to his fourth year. Before that he had been a very weakly child, always ailing, and yet that sickly period was glorified into paradise in his memory; for then he had had exclusive, uninterrupted possession of his mother’s affection." It was interesting that the man in question had in fact altered his memories not on the physical level of how he was physically but more so for the nature of his happiness which was obviously from a rooted longing of his mothers affection, this, when removed, became the root of all his problems in later years. after a bit more reading its apparent that, in an event that still occurs today, he had a new baby brother born when he was 4, thus tearing him away from his mothers full affection, this kind of mental behaviour happens today, showing that he human mind, in an infantile state is unaffected by culture or times progression. It turns out that this small blip in his early stages in development, managed to twist him in the later years, he abused his favourite animals, and had a very cruel streak and these were impulses of his tormented childhood, resonating through to his later life. it goes on to express other cases and how that siblings have respect for the brothers and sisters that existed before themselves and direct their anger towards the newcomers, then there is more writings about older brothers acting as farther figures to impose superiority onto the younger and introduce the pecking order, if you will. The writing is basically talking about how what we call a memory is an abstract of what we felt and what we were told about the event, the underlying factors to a memory can be carefully analysed and re-packaged into what is more factual.
This book is an in-depth look at the functions of the human mind and how it might work (nothing is definite in my opinion, more so when mind related) it covers the various ways we view, temporary store and how we perceive what we call memories. I found this, while reading, and thought this might be something you the reader might be interested in. 
This diagram itself is taken by camera from the book itself. 

(Extract, page 106) "Of these different circles of memory, which later we shall study in detail, the smallest, A, is the nearest to immediate perception. It contains only the object O, with the afterimage which comes back and overlies it. Behind it, the larger and larger circles B, C, D correspond to growing efforts at intellectual expansion. Each of these circuits, since memory is always present; but that memory, capable, by reason of its elasticity, of expanding more and more, reflects upon the object a growing number of suggested images - sometimes the details of the object itself, sometimes concomitant details which may throw light upon it". Our memory is a series of information, called when needed to create a memory, the smells feel and images are stored as data and are altered and changed to our perception to fill in the gaps and make our memories feel more real, when in essence, these very memories we rely on are manipulated and edited by our own minds. Different memories are stored and categorized into their own personal sections; this creates a fast and accurate way of collecting the images / audio that we call a memory. With my project, data itself can, slowly corrode, and lose a little of its quality, but as for the events they will remain unchanged, and unlike a our memories with my memory bank, I could pull a memory and look at details that normal people could never remember, like the colour of someone’s shoelaces and how many people stood in the background. Obviously, some of a normal memories soul cannot be captured by any digital means, for example, the smell, the atmosphere and the dynamic sound that we experience in our everyday lives, also texture, again cannot be utilized in this way. But of course the normal memory should be there to assist the digitized memory, this is after all, just body extension not body replacement or perfection. later on, page 155, the book talks about what might happen if one was to live his/her life in a dream state, becoming an conscious automaton, never storing a past and living each day as his entire life through a multitude of infinite possibilities. It's a tough book to read, but provides important information on the possible workings of the brain, and from just reading this, you get a feel for just how complex the memory really is and this then helps strengthen my desire to make sure that if I am to lose my memory then I shall be able to at least look through the images, video and audio and assure myself that I have existed and have left, even if small, a mark on the world. I suppose this all falls down to another big fear in my life, and that’s to live my life and not leave my mark, I'd hate to not be remembered, I'm not totally sure what part of the psyche that this falls down too but I have a big fear of being forgotten or maybe that my life, even if it’s obvious, might just be meaningless on a greater scale. Maybe has a close relation to my fear of death, I only fear death when I think about what I might be missing, and I suppose as a child I used to think that way, and today too, some days I just want to go out of the house, in case I'm missing something fun or interesting, normally I end up complaining about how I wasted my time but if I was to stay in I'd go out of my mind trying to work out what I'm missing... Anyway got a little sidetracked.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Freud "Mystic Writing Pad"

The srandard Edition of the Complete psychological Works of Sigmmund Freud
Volume XIX (1923-1925)
The Ego and the Id and Other Works.

Frued looks upon a simple device, pictured below:

The memory is a device that in Freud’s hypothesis is something that can gain new data and store old, he makes comparisons between different methods and how they stack up to our own "Perceptual System" For example, a piece of paper is great, you write on it and the paper stores your memories indefinitely, and unlike out memories they do not get manipulated and changed over time, but as your aware you will run out of space and cannot write any more without a new piece of paper. Slate and chalk are different, we can write all the memories we want and store what we want, and when the space is full we can simply erase the writings that are of little to no interest to us anymore. Only problem is the memories we erase are lost for good, the only thing Freud could relate our brains storage system to is the mystic writing pad shown in the image above. This pad can take notes, when your done with them erase them from your indefinite memory that’s always active, then write another, but unlike the other methods, once you remove the page and look at the wax*(1) layer in which supports the writing, you have indents that when observed in the right light reveal the many messages you have written. And it's this method that Freud believes is the way our "perceptual System" works, by storing masses of data that become part of our framework. His theory falls to this quote, "If we imagine one hand writing upon the surface of the Mystic Writing-Pad while another periodically raises its covering-sheet from the wax slab, we shall have a concrete representation of the way in which I tried to picture the functioning of the perceptual apparatus of our mind."
 *(1) The wax he is referring to is the 3rd layer, first layer is a very thin layer of plastic, then second layer is a cellouse substance to help the sheet keep its shape and not crumple easily, third layer is a wax like substance that presses and creates the dark shades in the indents that represent brush strokes. 

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Budda Boy Documentry

A documentary from the discovery channel looks at the astounding feat achieved by a 15 year old Buddhist. He has been meditating for something like 10 months, without eating or drinking, and hardly moving. I personally come from a scientific background, but something I do not doubt is the power of the mind, and its effects on our existence. The cameramen filmed the boy for 60+ consecutive hours to prove that he was not taking in nutrition, and was in fact legitimately performing this act, the boy planned to meditate for six years, just like the original Buddha. This was obviously seen as a second coming by the local practitioners of Nepal, where Buddhism originated form. The documentary also had another, and in my opinion, more fascinating individual. There was this old man, who has claimed to have not eaten or drank since he was twelve, which makes his starvation last over 60 years; he hopes to live for thousands of years this way. The scientists actually applied machines and probes all over his body and monitored him for 10 straight days, and amazingly, there were no changes to the man’s body, and he left fine. The average human will die in 4 days without water; water keeps our brain functional and takes up a staggering 70% of our total body mass. This is proof enough, to me anyway, that the mind's power is much more than we could ever imagine. Some monks have even (and this happened to the 15 year old boy) combusted during meditation. With the power of the mind we see some other aspects of memory seep through. For example: A video about the power of the short term memory of a monkey, it’s staggeringly fast compared to us humans. The test uses randomly positioned numbers, 1-9 and touch them in order, but to make things interesting, after .4 of a second the numbers turn into blocks and using memory alone you touch the numbers. After watching this it makes you wonder what other mysteries the mind holds.

Ok, first part done.

Managed to get in embedded with some help form a friend, this means I do possess the ability to embed the items into a web page, next thing is covering the actual web shell to host this application in and what it’s going to do, also I need to get reading some more of my books. Still got to work out how to play video, but I'll check the developers forums for that, and of course there is the issue of having the site hosted otherwise I have to work out how to make the sites page call from the C: drive. I'll keep you updated as always.

Cooliris has been unleashed.

As I unleash my secret weapon I first need to fully understand its applications, and what its use will entail. So at a glance, Cooliris looks like a fancy photo album, but Cooliris is much more than that, it can play audio and video, this ability makes this application, straight off the bat, much, much more than a photo album. And a lot like our own minds with this I can now recall video and depth, sound and even atmosphere! 
This is for the current time, the nearest thing I can get to replicating my memory, which for me is very exciting as originally I would have had to manually learn the coding for working audio within the framework I was initially going to use, but now Cooliris takes care of that, all I have to worry about are the important things, like the visual aesthetics of the project and the layout of the interface.

So totday we work on getting this all operational and ready for the data to be loaded into the app, I have set the deadline for this to tomorrow evening, around the 7pm mark.
Well I betetr go I have to get this operational.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Auto-biographical memory

The ability to use the memory is derived from a sense of self. It’s roughly explained in this video.

A clever test on some 5 year olds also covers a guy who can’t remember most things, a lot like me.

Part 2 of the documentary

Featured around the guy who cannot remember his past or imagine a future, and apparently during tests it was noted that imaging a future and remembering the past are the same thing! The man in question had to write down everything so that when he eventually forgot what he was doing he had a safety rope in the diary, he could recall messages from his past self and become clear just what it is he is doing or has to do. Much like my project about restoring and preserving memory, his diary is a mental body extension of his mind much like the hard drive is for me in my project. Basically, he is following the methodology that I placed myself in this project, use the external body enhancement to help remember the events of the past etc. It was interesting, because apparently you call from past memories and with added judgement we create an image of a possible future, but if like me, you don't have a complete past, are your preconceptions of the future edited or even censored? With bits missing are you really guessing the future or just re-manipulating the past?

Part 3

Part three focuses on a young lady who has suffered severe emotional distress, to the point where she cannot remove the embedded memory of a sexual attack. She is given a drug which will suppress that specific memory by slowing down the production of the proteins that help re-connect the memory. Freud talked about the idea of memory always existing but this is not entirely true, because recently scientists had discovered that the neurological connectors actually de-attach after the initial memory, they are however ply able enough for a reconnection and thus the memory is restored, but if the memory has no trigger it cannot automatically re-connect, and then the memory is lost deep inside the mind. I often wondered if this might be the reason for me never remembering things I deem with little importance, I can drive back from Norwich, many times, and never remember a single thing about the trip. If nothing memorable happens I do not remember it, I can't even prove that I came back the normal route, because I have no re-collection of the event. Is this in essence, again censorship or just the brain editing events?

Part 4

This section Covers the aging of the brain, and the understanding of why we lose memory capacity and why we slow down. As the brain ages, the quality and frequency of the blood supplied to the brain is reduced causing the white matter brain connectors to become unused and die off, with them the changes of the memory lost ever coming back, at the end of this section it begins to deal with something personal to me, Alzheimer's.

Part 5

The last part is about the man coping with Alzheimer's, and follows some aspects of his life, with a few opinions thrown in. The very end posed an interesting thought, when you die, your brain collapses and releases every memory, thought and experience all in one, this brief euphoria is probably our parting gift before we cease to exist. Some might have confused such euphoria as a sign of an afterlife, a place where are souls live onwards, I do not share this view, I believe that once you’re dead there is a nothingness for unlimited eons, this time that will pass is not noticed of recorded, as a matter of fact I believe that it is the absolute of nothing, no feeling, depth of time, or understanding, we will just cease to exist. For some, this is a scary prospect, a feeling without belonging. But for me this is the greatest gift, it is the ultimate freedom and release form a world of happiness and pain. A good documentary, I never knew about the aging of the brain, this pushes me to create this piece more so than I originally thought, there is a possibility of me getting Alzheimer's, so it will be worth it in the future.

The Lazarus Project

I was looking for what I remembered to be an old TV program, not sure if it was a film or a short series, but it was about scientists looking into the mind of a human head, if I remember correctly they were stimulating parts of the brain and somehow were able to pull to a screen those images. But I did find this; I’ll keep looking for that series. ttp://

After much palaviour, its here, the internet!!!

Nothing ever works first time, and in my experience, the more you want something the harder that thing suddenly becomes to acquire. The internet has taken a whopping month and a bit to arrive and get working, but now this means I can start the job of adding all the information I wanted to add to this blog.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Small memory came back today...

It's very hot today, and as I was driving to my mates to use my PC online and thus be able to do some work. I felt the warm breeze drifting through the open window and at that instant I remembered laying on the seat of my dad’s old boat as we headed off on an adventure to the east hills, which is a small island like bit out off the coast of wells, well its technically connected but it’s not possible to get there by foot, at high tide. 

While thinking about this I reached a junction, I stopped as usual, but then the dense heat caught me and sparked another memory, sitting in my parents car at what was back then milden hall air show, my father is obsessed with airplanes and probably wanted to be a pilot. 

I'm starting to get memories back from smells or temperatures, it's a very clever system indeed, but this more than ever strengthens my opinion that, like Freud thinks, the memory is etched and never lost, just harder to find, Tonight I'm going to read "writings on the mystic pad" which is an essay by Freud explaining this.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Cooliris is a viable option.

After a lengthy discussion with Shaun, the course leader, we came to the conclusion that Cooliris is a viable option as a method of display. Obviously the program in its raw form is unacceptable since I would have not created it, but with its embedding options it would be more viable and customizable for the use in my project, I will need to build a base Website's shell in Dreamweaver and embed the data on the said site, with embedding I can also use a variety of other mediums like Flv, for the video display, I will be doing extensive research into the methods into using Cooliris as a display app. Its fluidity and wall like structure will amuse and entertain the walls in my exhibition. For the exhibition I plan to have two walls covered with projectors that will be displaying the same thing on each opposing wall, this is because, just like in real life, your memories are something that you as a viewer are immersed in, and by being surrounded, your sensory perceptions will become dulled, almost like lost in thought as you view the various aspects of the piece. With this immersion I would also like to be clever in the audio placement. Ideally I'd like to have the audio placed above and at the corners of the room; so as to be bombarded from various curious directions for the sound, memory calls from many parts of the brains senses, smell touch and visual input, even light can play a vital part in the recovery of a memory. If I get time to complete this to its full I'd like to maybe create some sort of custom lighting system for the piece so that I can have total immersion. With Cooliris, I have a few good options available to me, one of which is to take a snap shot of the segment of the wall that the projection will be taking place and the install that as the Cooliris apps background, with this I can create the illusion of the various media windows almost flowing across the wall. This is obviously an area that will require some research soon. Hopefully, the following Monday I will be getting the internet, so with that I can update this blog 3-4 times a day, and as a result I can cover the content I wish to with greater ease, making the research side of my projects a lots easier. Anyway I have to go; the library is having a break soon.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Cooliris or Flash.

I have been waging a war inside my head for some days now, and need to talk with Shaun, should I utilize Cooliris or Create from scratch, a flash app? Both have their strong points, for example, with flash I can be flexible and add the timeline feature with ease, but on the other hand, Cooliris’s interface and design are flawless, the feel you get while flying through the screen of images is also very nice, plus there is a developers forum where you can re-edit the application to play video, etc. I have a meeting with Shaun this Thursday, I just checked my mail, and I will bring this up with him during the said meeting, I’ll also bring the material for installing Cooliris.

A kingdom of knowledge.

I had a little look through the digitized work earlier, and the images I got from all my photo albums looked amazing in the Cooliris software, it was like you were flying through time browsing through the various memories that I had endured.

On a voyeuristic view I realised the complexity of the issue of viewing a second hand life, watching the human form evolving into what will eventually be what you see today. I guess this has another impact if you know the person, to see where they came from, what they liked and disliked, and creating the links of what defined them as a person, it's all very interesting indeed.

I want to look at other forms of this sort of voyeurism, maybe look at the TV series "Big Brother" where contestants have to just live in a confined space; in my opinion the results will always have similar effects since the environment they are placed in is somewhat a "controlled" environment.

Perhaps a better and more personal way of creating this sense of voyeurism is too take the cameras to a place where the subjects would normally be comfortable, where the only rules that apply are the ones that they would normally follow, but now I think about it was kind of done.

A program called "The family" was a documentary about a family where they had, with permission, allowed channel 4 I think, to install cameras into every room and place of their house and filmed their everyday life.

This family that was chosen was supposed to represent the average family, I have no idea how one would formulate a definitive average for such a broad spectrum of character archetypes.

This series, some of which I did watch, was interesting, but again not enough, to fully document and understand the human pattern, one would assume that to achieve this you might need to follow every aspect, no matter how mundane or personal.

This then, in turn, brings up the topic of censorship, and what is controlled media.

For example in my project, no matter how personal the data I will digitize this and add this to my memories, because in my opinion, censorship is just another type of controlled medium, and something controlled is something modified, and then eventually the product you receive at the end is not the true product.

If I offered you a glass of whiskey, and somehow removed the alcohol content, then gave it to you, it would smell, taste and probably look different, and as a result of that slight amount of censorship the outcome is not a true result, but one censored by the modifier.

The family, for me is a lot like this, it is apparent in some episodes that the family are aware of the cameras, and as a result their behaviour, naturally, changes.

The same can be said about "Big Brother" except with that show there is a prize, a reward that drives the contestants to altering their behaviour to what they might think to be acceptable by the public. With constant reminders of reward, is it not obvious that they will themselves evolve and alter themselves to achieve these goals; it’s no different to university or my own situation.

Some research, seems somewhat boring, and as a result we tend to bypass some information because we deem it unworthy of our time, but with university you will often endure things you might find boring, or unsettling, but with the reward of our qualification, we make the effort because most of us are aware that a qualification will help with a better job, or help command more respect from our society.

Either way, this topic as you might have guessed is vital to the development and understanding of my own project, as it follows the same fundamentals of these shows.

Proust, Proust, Proust...

Yesterday I spent a good 2-3 hours reading more from the book "Remembrance of things past, within a budding grove" by Marcel Proust. This book is very intense, it’s writing style that features huge sentences that drag on for several lines often end up leaving me with little to no idea what I just read; I'll give you an example. *opens book randomly and selects a sentence* 88 words I counted in this sentence!! "People who move in society are very short sighted ; at the moment in which they cease to have any relations with the Israelite ladies whom they have known, while they are asking themselves how they are to fill the gap thus made in their lives, they perceive, thrust into it as by the windfall of a night of storm, a new lady, an Israelite also ; but by virtue of her novelty she is not associated in their minds with her predecessors, with what they are convinced that they must abjure." Anyway, keeping track of what’s said is getting tough, but I'll keep going at it, not that much more to read now... About 4-5 hours, if I'm going to understand it.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Books... not so much like Bus's.

I finally received ALL of my books for my references and research, they are:
"Philosophy and memory traces" by "Sutton"
Status: \\\UNREAD///

*This book had to be purchased and sent to me by the library, I have had to wait a good 2-3 months for the books to all finally arrive, the problem is that I have until 27th of June to read them, but I'll request more borrowing time but I have to be very precise since they are very anal about loaning new books*

"Remembrance of things past, within a budding grove" by "Marcel Proust"
Status:\\\47% Completed///

"The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud Volume 17" (1917-1919)
"An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works"

"The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud Volume 19" (1917-1919)
"The Ego and the Id and Other Works"

And there is another book, but I forgot to put it in my bag, I'm at the library, because I have no internet at home.

Anyway, today is a nice day, and so that I get some of the most natural vitamin D as well as work I will read these in the sun today, I have my notebook, pens and the books I just mentioned, I may be able to finally finish Marcel Proust’s insane book, which is for me, a very difficult read.

Anyway I'll update later hopefully, and talk about some other reference material.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Useful link.

I was reading the written piece from the Stanford University; it talks about the concepts of memory. It explains in some considerable depth about the concepts of memory, they explain that memory is itself a type of knowledge, and can only be obtained by experience, but for someone that has misplaced those memories, it must mean that I have also lost in tail, knowledge, experiences and emotions that would have been associated with those events. 
They also discuss that unlike pure imagination, memory documents real events, but I have experienced a few events that I thought I had been involved with but it turns out that I had fabricated the whole event from other people telling me what had happened, used the stories, that no doubt were stored in my head, used those stories with me in and worked out a whole new perception where I have altered my reality, and have lived an event "second hand" so to speak. 

I think It goes without saying that memory is a very interesting thing, without our ability to analyse and store information, we don't actually exist, because we would only be able to recall the present, and not be able to predict the future based on our past, or reflect on out past as a whole. 

I watched, only a few days ago, the film "Total Recall" and I honestly had no idea on its relevance to my project, had I known, I would probably looked at it earlier. 

The whole concept that the main character is one of the main antagonists is quite clever, because it’s not that he has no memory, he just has an altered memory, which brings me onto a subject that I covered in games design, hyper reality. 
Like the matrix, total recall gives its viewer another perspective on life, one that cannot easily be disproved. 
Could our lives be real? Or some sort of manufactured environment? 
Could our memories be real? Or again manufactured? 

As for the environment, for most of us it IS manufactured, the house, and every single aspect has been manufactured to cater to what is deemed to be our needs. 
But you never really get a say as to what these needs are, society and corporations create not to needs, but more so to desires. 

Realistically, the TV exists for two things, to help sell us more of these manufactured goods that we don’t need and to apparently "entertain us" but my guess is that if your life never had a TV in it, you might find the concept of sitting in front of a box for hours a little... pointless? 
The stimulation that the television gives us is basically a release, from our busy day to day lives, I think that to ensure that the populous repeats and work, they need a brain stimulus with minimal effort, and TV provides this, you can feel social and evolved with whatever you are watching. 

But work itself is not that alien a concept, ants for example, outnumber people something like a billion to one, and there system of a sort of order of society has provided them with a very successful species. 
Humans however, all feel equal, and it’s this equality that brings about our downfalls... 
Anyway, completely gone off on a tangent, and this is somewhat irrelevant on this project, or is it? 
Well maybe not so much now I think about it, but either way my time in the library has ended.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Cooliris is an interesting program, it allows you to view various media with speed and ease, all contained in this virtural enviroment which is quite aestheticly pleasing!

Only issues i'm having at this moment are ones with video, I think I might have to convert video into FLV format as I had kinda expected.

Anyway, I'll update again later today.


Monday, 8 June 2009

Pulled some stuff form our lesser regarede source, Wiki.


"Much of the current knowledge of memory has come from studying memory disorders. Loss of memory is known as amnesia. There are many sorts of amnesia, and by studying their different forms, it has become possible to observe apparent defects in individual sub-systems of the brain's memory systems, and thus hypothesize their function in the normally working brain. Other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease can also affect memory and cognition. Hyperthymesia, or hyperthymesic syndrome, is a disorder which affects an individual's autobiographical memory, essentially meaning that they cannot forget small details that otherwise would not be stored.[10] Korsakoff's syndrome, also known as Korsakoff's psychosis, amnesic-confabulatory syndrome, is an organic brain disease that adversely affects memory.

While not a disorder, a common temporary failure of word retrieval from memory is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. Sufferers of Nominal Aphasia (also called Anomia), however, do experience the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon on an ongoing basis due to damage to the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain.."

Ripped from a Wiki post about Memory.

I found this VERY interesting as my dad’s side of the family has Alzheimer's in its history, and reading this reminded me of a previous memory, perhaps one of the negative sides of memory loss is its ability to also allow you to re-remember and endure again, previous nightmares.
A few years back, as of when I'm unsure, I remember awaking in tears after having a dream this I was locked away in a mental hospital, Hellsdon to be exact, and this is a common thing about dreams and nightmares, they have to spawn from some sort of fictional sense, because you brain has to replicate these dreams from events that your body has itself had to deal with.
That’s why you never die in dreams, because your brain has not, obviously, died or experienced death.

In this dream I was a normal man, but because of my desperation to not go to this hospital, I acted somewhat irrationally and thus looked even more mentally unstable. So it would seem that I'm very afraid about being misjudged, that’s my analysis of that dream, no idea as to its exact date, it just came back to me when reading that text about disorders, and I felt it relevant to add here since this is all about memory.

Another day...

Today is of course, another day, and another page of our daily lives that depending on whether or not we have a particularly good or bad day will remain with us forever in our memory. Unfortunately, for most people, in a week or two time this day might just be a blur, and it’s this repetition that we have to endure that overwrites our memory with similarities and this erases and poisons our memories. 
Too much repetition brings normality, an area that everyone can relate to, it’s these familiarities that in my view spoil what should be a life of discovery and not one based on repetition. 

Today was supposed to be the day the High school would contact me, but as usual, things never go as planned and they have not called me to confirm such meetings. 

So, time to take this into my own hands, in a little while I will be heading to the high school, and ask, again, for this meeting before it's too late. 

Anyway, back to the other issues, on the front line at this moment is the Cooliris program, that with some editing, I will hopefully be able to utilize its application abilities. 
It’s a really clever piece of software and utilizing it will be one of the main challenges that I will have to overcome. 
I'll link you, now. 

This software is amazing, it basically takes my concept to a new visual level, and its ability to be customized so freely means that making the workflow easy is now achievable. 

Anyway, today I've been looking at its applications, it seems that any video or audio needs to be in FLV (flash move player) format and this will create some issues with conversion, but maybe might work in my favour, since flash content is vector based and as a result can be resized to whatever dimensions I wish. 
Using a program called 'PicLens Publisher' I can create the websites necessary code that will be used by the program Cooliris, only problem so far is going to be its size, since making an online application which houses Gig's of data will not be cheap, so all I have to do is adapt that code that Cooliris uses to help itself work the way it should.

Sunday, 7 June 2009


My luck has been somewhat 'opposing' to me, again... I managed to leave my USB stick at university last week and only got it back on Thursday just past, without it I could not use my Digital cam. Then, my other book arrived at the library. A bit of good luck at last, it seems to be the book I just read, and it’s in a comic form?! Weird. I've been trying to get drivers for my scanner so I can start the tedious process of scanning my images into my PC and begin the process of digitizing everything. I handed in my letter to the high school and await their response tomorrow, fingers crossed I can start filming soon! Other than that I'm still trying to get an internet connection to the flat, so that I can update more freely and use the Cooliris program suggested to me by a first year student, it basically does what I plan to do in flash but without the time line. Anyway I’m in an internet cafe and running out of time, I'll update a gain ASAP. Peace.

Monday, 1 June 2009

The Beginning...

This is the start of my journey into the realms of my past, I'm somewhat at a loss as to how I might feel or reach when rediscovering my past. I just hope that the reasons for this desire to discover myself are brought to light and that I can now finally understand who it is that "I" am. With the recent spate of tragic luck that I have had to endure, I find myself ready to; once again, have a second try at this whole "digitizing" aspect of my project. This is basically the process of taking real objects, photo's or video or even audio, and scanning and transporting that information into my PC so that I can categorize and add them into the flash time line I plan to create. Firstly I'll go to my parent’s photo albums, and take a look at my earliest recorded moments, gather all the images and resources available, form there start the process of digitizing.