The srandard Edition of the Complete psychological Works of Sigmmund Freud
Volume XIX (1923-1925)
The Ego and the Id and Other Works.

The memory is a device that in Freud’s hypothesis is something that can gain new data and store old, he makes comparisons between different methods and how they stack up to our own "Perceptual System" For example, a piece of paper is great, you write on it and the paper stores your memories indefinitely, and unlike out memories they do not get manipulated and changed over time, but as your aware you will run out of space and cannot write any more without a new piece of paper. Slate and chalk are different, we can write all the memories we want and store what we want, and when the space is full we can simply erase the writings that are of little to no interest to us anymore. Only problem is the memories we erase are lost for good, the only thing Freud could relate our brains storage system to is the mystic writing pad shown in the image above. This pad can take notes, when your done with them erase them from your indefinite memory that’s always active, then write another, but unlike the other methods, once you remove the page and look at the wax*(1) layer in which supports the writing, you have indents that when observed in the right light reveal the many messages you have written. And it's this method that Freud believes is the way our "perceptual System" works, by storing masses of data that become part of our framework. His theory falls to this quote, "If we imagine one hand writing upon the surface of the Mystic Writing-Pad while another periodically raises its covering-sheet from the wax slab, we shall have a concrete representation of the way in which I tried to picture the functioning of the perceptual apparatus of our mind."
Volume XIX (1923-1925)
The Ego and the Id and Other Works.
Frued looks upon a simple device, pictured below:

The memory is a device that in Freud’s hypothesis is something that can gain new data and store old, he makes comparisons between different methods and how they stack up to our own "Perceptual System" For example, a piece of paper is great, you write on it and the paper stores your memories indefinitely, and unlike out memories they do not get manipulated and changed over time, but as your aware you will run out of space and cannot write any more without a new piece of paper. Slate and chalk are different, we can write all the memories we want and store what we want, and when the space is full we can simply erase the writings that are of little to no interest to us anymore. Only problem is the memories we erase are lost for good, the only thing Freud could relate our brains storage system to is the mystic writing pad shown in the image above. This pad can take notes, when your done with them erase them from your indefinite memory that’s always active, then write another, but unlike the other methods, once you remove the page and look at the wax*(1) layer in which supports the writing, you have indents that when observed in the right light reveal the many messages you have written. And it's this method that Freud believes is the way our "perceptual System" works, by storing masses of data that become part of our framework. His theory falls to this quote, "If we imagine one hand writing upon the surface of the Mystic Writing-Pad while another periodically raises its covering-sheet from the wax slab, we shall have a concrete representation of the way in which I tried to picture the functioning of the perceptual apparatus of our mind."
*(1) The wax he is referring to is the 3rd layer, first layer is a very thin layer of plastic, then second layer is a cellouse substance to help the sheet keep its shape and not crumple easily, third layer is a wax like substance that presses and creates the dark shades in the indents that represent brush strokes.
can you cite your quote?