This diagram itself is taken by camera from the book itself.
(Extract, page 106) "Of these different circles of memory, which later we shall study in detail, the smallest, A, is the nearest to immediate perception. It contains only the object O, with the afterimage which comes back and overlies it. Behind it, the larger and larger circles B, C, D correspond to growing efforts at intellectual expansion. Each of these circuits, since memory is always present; but that memory, capable, by reason of its elasticity, of expanding more and more, reflects upon the object a growing number of suggested images - sometimes the details of the object itself, sometimes concomitant details which may throw light upon it". Our memory is a series of information, called when needed to create a memory, the smells feel and images are stored as data and are altered and changed to our perception to fill in the gaps and make our memories feel more real, when in essence, these very memories we rely on are manipulated and edited by our own minds. Different memories are stored and categorized into their own personal sections; this creates a fast and accurate way of collecting the images / audio that we call a memory. With my project, data itself can, slowly corrode, and lose a little of its quality, but as for the events they will remain unchanged, and unlike a our memories with my memory bank, I could pull a memory and look at details that normal people could never remember, like the colour of someone’s shoelaces and how many people stood in the background. Obviously, some of a normal memories soul cannot be captured by any digital means, for example, the smell, the atmosphere and the dynamic sound that we experience in our everyday lives, also texture, again cannot be utilized in this way. But of course the normal memory should be there to assist the digitized memory, this is after all, just body extension not body replacement or perfection. later on, page 155, the book talks about what might happen if one was to live his/her life in a dream state, becoming an conscious automaton, never storing a past and living each day as his entire life through a multitude of infinite possibilities. It's a tough book to read, but provides important information on the possible workings of the brain, and from just reading this, you get a feel for just how complex the memory really is and this then helps strengthen my desire to make sure that if I am to lose my memory then I shall be able to at least look through the images, video and audio and assure myself that I have existed and have left, even if small, a mark on the world. I suppose this all falls down to another big fear in my life, and that’s to live my life and not leave my mark, I'd hate to not be remembered, I'm not totally sure what part of the psyche that this falls down too but I have a big fear of being forgotten or maybe that my life, even if it’s obvious, might just be meaningless on a greater scale. Maybe has a close relation to my fear of death, I only fear death when I think about what I might be missing, and I suppose as a child I used to think that way, and today too, some days I just want to go out of the house, in case I'm missing something fun or interesting, normally I end up complaining about how I wasted my time but if I was to stay in I'd go out of my mind trying to work out what I'm missing... Anyway got a little sidetracked.
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